Its never too late to start! #JustStart

Soha Siddiqui
3 min readDec 18, 2020

“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.” — Mark Twain

I believe that targets are meant to be set and goals are meant to be achieved, then new targets should be set and new goals should be achieved. Since learning is a life long process, we should keep moving forward no matter in which phase of life we are and what age group we lie in. So, its never too late to start and as we all have heard that “Better late than never!”

Now coming towards the goal that I am working on in my #JustStart project is improving my speaking skills. For that I need to read aloud articles and short stories in front of the mirror daily for 20 minutes, so that I can develop effective communication skills by the end of February 2021.

Sab keh dou!

I have this goal because most of the time, I avoid speaking up and shy away from participating in discussions, so improving my speaking skills would boost up my confidence and dissolve my hesitance.

So to start off with my first task in achieving this goal was that I searched for good authors who write descriptive articles and short stories, so that I have quality material to read and go through.

Search your research to discover a better search!

I guess there were no specific challenges that I previously faced other than being busy in university commitments and my final year project. I think that I had not considered this goal to be something that important or achievable before and maybe that’s why I lacked the effort to work towards achieving it.

My experience was quite an interesting and fascinating one. I didn’t expect to find it at this level. I came across quite a few interesting scripts and even learnt new words, which will provide me with an added benefit of improved vocabulary.

I learnt that we just have to take the first step towards achieving anything that we desire in life, no matter how big or small that step is; we just have to allow ourselves to begin.

Mirror Mirror on the wall! Who can speak the best of all?

The next steps would be that I practice reading those articles and short stories as fluently as I can, and probably begin with shorter pieces. Then I can move on to lengthier ones and read aloud in front of the mirror with proper clarity and intonation.

So fellows, Go out there, Embrace uncertainty and Create future!

